When I bumped into my friend Ryan Gerardi with AutoConversion at the Innovative Dealer Summit last month he asked if I would be up to sit in on a special anniversary edition of his podcast, I jumped at the chance as always because his show is so fun and he gathers some of the coolest cats together! What I did not realize is that it had been a year since my first chance to be a part of his panel and that kind of set me back on my heels a bit, during that first show the other guest speaker was an incredible car guy by the name of Mike Phillips who happened to be at the Innovative Dealer Summit while we were recording and my first chance to shake hands with him came this year at that very show! As an added bonus we were joined on this wicked cool show by the always awesome Terry Lancaster! Great convo's were had and laughs shared, check out the recording of the show HERE!
When Bright Local released their annual Local Consumer Review Survey results there weren't any major revelations or 'ah-ha' moments to speak of. It was mostly information that marketers and pretty much anyone who is online has been saying for many years now, reviews matter! They have mattered for a long time and will continue to matter, in most cases their importance in influencing shopping decisions will keep increasing. So why then, do so many business ignore reviews as if they are only made and read by a small percentage of shoppers and don't really matter? Consider the following;
Basically everyone who is online is looking at reviews at some point, if you are relying on your customers to be among that small percentage of shoppers not looking at reviews and just walking in the front door you are in serious need of a check up from the neck up! Take a moment, right now and search your business, find the links to review sites and read what is being said about your company. If you are on top of it, have read and replied to them all kudos to you, you are in the top 2% of businesses! If you don't have a clue about the reviews of your company read the survey results HERE, then get to work my friend! Was honored to be asked to sit at the table with David Villa and Frank J. Lopes on today's Auto Dealer Live from the floor at Digital Dealer! The awesome Joe Cala had to step away and left some mighty big shoes to fill but I had a blast getting to sit with some of the industries true leaders and talk automotive! I have been a fan of the show since the beginning, you know when they had the coolest intro on the interwebs, and even been a guest a couple of times but being a part of it in person was awesome, thank you Auto Dealer Live crew!!
Watch the episode here: https://www.facebook.com/OfficialDavidVilla/videos/338938430093409/ If you don't think consumers are thinking about their privacy consider this, in the last four weeks alone, more than 160 million people have gone into their Google Accounts to review and adjust their privacy settings, which include the types of data Google can collect and the kinds of ads Google shows them! Forward-thinking marketers understand that online privacy concerns are real, and they have been preparing all along. These marketers strive for growth, but not at the cost of consumer trust. Instead, they invest in ways to protect and strengthen their relationships with customers, ultimately creating brands that will endure....
Read more here: https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/…/data-meas…/consumer-trust/ |
Mike theCarGuy
Hey there, I'm Mike theCarGuy and here are some of my thoughts about cars, the car business and sales! Take a look around, maybe you will learn something or at the very least find your self smiling, and if you do... leave me a comment so I know I at least did something right! Thanks for stoppin by... Need to reach me? Call or Text: (909) 830-8390 [email protected] Mike theCarGuy: Grand Terrace, CA 92313 Twitter: @MiketheCarGuy1 Instagram: MiketheCarGuy Threads: @MiketheCarGuy BlueSky: MiketheCarGuy Follow Mike Correra on Quora
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January 2025