Thats a wrap! Freshman year at La Verne ends with dorm room clean out!
Ant goes to college.... Anthony received a scholarship offer to play football at the University of La Verne!
Annual Blue Mtn Hike, March 2020 with Ant and his bud Sean
My lil guy's first concert, Knotfest 2018
Grand Master Ewing, 2016
June 2014...
I was asked to be a presenter at the Dealer Socket User Summit in San Diego and my Sweetie brought our lil guy down so we could have dinner in the historic Gas Lamp District!
June 2014...
The Rock 'n Roll Half Marathon San Diego. My Sweetie braved a crazy taxi ride that nearly ended up in Ensenada and a hundred thousand people so she could be there to support me in my first big run!
June 2014...
Annual Gran Terrace Fire Dept pancake breakfast and open house
May 2014
April 2014
There is our Lil CarGuy Ant with his trophy for advanced scores in BOTH math and language! He gets his brains from mamma for sure! ;)
August 2013
My Lil CarGuy and Mrs CarGuy at her Zumba fundraising event, she Rocks the Zunba for sure! Go Zumba Girl, Go Zumba Girl!!!
June 2013
Anthony was selected to present his project on California Missions to the Colton Joint Unified School Board! Yeah, how awesome is that? :)
May 2013
Our Lil CarGuy had his first band performance with his class and looked mighty handsome indeed! :)
April 2013
Now he's a skater! :)
April 2013
Having the highest math scores in his class got Ant recognized with a Mathematics Achievement Medal! Super proud 'o that Lil Guy! ;)
Feb 2013
Back to the Wiltern Theater with Dominic to see the first band he ever saw live, Coheed and Cambria! I took him him back in 2005 for his very first concert and he returned the gift for Christmas this past year, hes an awesome kid he is!
December 2012
Christmas at Fashion Island!
August 2012
Open house for Ant's 4th grade class! Teacher snapped a pic of the happy Correra's!! :)
Jan 2012
Time for our annual trip to the Happiest Place on Earth for Ants B-Day! We took him on his first one and made it a tradition! Each year it gets better and better as he enjoys it more and more! Auntie Jeannie and cousin Steve met us and the five of us had a GREAT day! :)
Fall 2011
Back in soccer, Ants team was the U-10 White Lightning. Thier 15/3 record firmly established them as the U-10 Champions! Great Job Lightning!! Big brother Dom started the season helping out but after just a few practices the coach made him the AssT Coach of the team! Thanks for all your help Dom, your ROCKED!
September 2011
Family trip to our favorite city ever, San Francisco! Many thanks to cousin Mary Katherine and all our San Fran Family for your patience, hospitilty and tour guidance skills! :)
June 2011
The Class of 2011 University of California, Riverside included one Mr. Dominic A. Correra. Graduating Cum Laude, BA in Political Science with Honors. Did I mention he was 19 when he walked across that stage????? Yeah, he's pretty damn awesome!
June 2011
Last day as a second grader, look out thrid grade! Woo Hoo Summer Vacation! :)
Spring 2011
Mary Beth, Ant and Papa started a weekly ritual of riding the MetroLink down to San Clemente. Some fantastic So Cal beach days!
March 2011
SNAP goes the board as it breaks in two! Thats how a Blue Belt does it!
March 2011
The annual walk up our own "Blue Mountain" gets easier each year for our lil guy! King of the Hill Ant surveys his domain... :)
February 2011
Ah, life is So Cal... where you can hit the beach in February! :)
December 2010
The shirt says it all... :)
November 2010
On a bright sunny fall day I took my lil Ant back to our local favorite hand out, Fiesta Villiage, for his very first round of mini golf! Had an absolute blast, who knows what the score was but the smiles were immeasurable!
October 2010
MaryBeth took Ant to feed the geese that live on the pond in front of the Zerox building across town, he loved looking at the cool birds and watching them swim!
September 2010
Thats my Lil Princess, Isabella, in front of her new school La Sierra University. Yup, University, as in COLLEGE! What the..... Yesterday she was doing ballet to 'I'm a little tea pot'...... whoa....
September 2010
This past weekend it was time once again to join hundreds of great folks walkin for the cure at the annual children's cancer walk in Loma Linda. I of course had to work but I was there to see them off at the start! Ant rode his razor but MaryBeth walked the whole thing! They walked along with Team "Kyles Angels" in memory of family friend Kyle Bob. It was a beautiful morning made even more so by a seq of open hearts and the giving spirit of many hundreds. :)
September 2010
Got a pair of tix to Walking With Dinosaurs at the Honda Center from a friend and took Ant to see the life sizes adventure of a lifetime! He loved it! Loud and large carnivores and even flying dinos! It was an amazing night!
July 2010
After having driven by it for the last 20 years we finally went to the water slides at Fiesta Village, and man what an awesome time! Kicking myself for not having gone sooner but now that I know what we been missin we will be regulars!
June 2010
Yup, my lil Bella is going to, scratch that; graduated(!) High School, wow I cant believe how she has grown from my lil Princess into a beautiful young woman in a mere blink of the proverbial eye...
June 2010
Took Ant to the Grand Terrace Fire and Rescue Pancake Breakfast fundraiser, got full on great pancakes and Ants got to check out all the firetrucks. Here he is as a Fire Ant! Get it, Fire Ant..... :)
May 2010
Because my birthday almost always falls on, or right around, Memorial Day and thats is one of the biggest sales weekends of the year in the car business, I have always worked on my birthday. This year MaryBeth totally surprised me and brought all the kids to see me at work! I was working a car deal at the Sales Desk and looked up to see my whole family there with ballons and cake, it was the best B-Day ever! Thank You MaryBeth!
May 2010
Yeah, I cant believe it either but Isabella went to her Senior Prom just a few days ago! She graduates in a few weeks too... No, that doesnt make me old....
April 2010
What its like just BEFORE the confetti egg bursts open in your face! A happy Easter was had by all...
February 2010
And now, a moment of Ant Zen... ;)
February 2010
Isabella was asked to be a model for the Prom Fashion Show, it probably didnt have anything to do with her being ASB Pres, Capt of the Varsity Volley Ball Team or the fact that shes an awesome kid! Its probably just cause shes such a cutie, yeah thats the ONLY reason!
January 2010
Ant got to spend the day at Disneyland for his 7th Birthday. Uncle G even got Papa to play hookie from work so he could go, Ant was thrilled to see his GranPa walkin up Main St! He rode Space Mtn and Matterhorn for the first time and made the rounds thru the park having a total blast the whole day!
January 2010
After a week of incredible rains, we wondered how low the snowline would be and headed up toward Oak Glen to see if we could find some snow for Ant. Well, most of Yucaipa still had patches of snow and at the first apple stand in Oak Glen there was at least 2 feet of beautiful white stuff! Ant had a blast seeing snow for the first time!
December 2010
For the forth year now, Margaret is playing basketball and this year she is SHINNING! Blocking, Shoutin and Foulin... You Go Gurl!
November 2009
Ant is absolutely fascinated with war planes so we spent the morning at the March Air Field Museum, met one of the volunteers named Bob that seemed to know something about everything there! Ant thought he was just the coolest because he knew so much! Great day!
November 2009
SOTM, that stands for Student Of The Month.... thats right folks Anthony R. Correra, Student of the Month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!! Go Ant! Thats Mom, Lori and the SOTM Ant.
October 2009
Over in Redlands they go ALL OUT for Halloween! Theres a whole block that gets closed off, bands playing, firetrucks and many, many houses that are completely done up with the whole yard filled with props. Some scary but most were really fun, took a pic of Ant and MaryBeth in front of the Pirate House!
September 2010
Even when I look at these pics it still seems impossible that my little 'Bella is in her SENIOR year!!! Margaret is going to be 10 soon, TEN!!!!! What a pair o' cuties eh?
September 2009
MaryBeth and Ant getting ready to start the 2009 CandleLighters Kids Walk, together with hundreds and hundreds of folks raising money for Cancer Research and to help support the families of young ones with this horrible disease. Its was great to see so many show up as teams and support this great cause! Go Team Kyles Angels!
August 2009
This must be my seat, up here in the Front Row...
August 2009
Yup, First Grade! Not sure where the time is going but the speed limit to get there must be light speed! All ready for first day back, now we start 'real' school!
June 2009
Cousin Steven graduated from Notre Dame High, seemed like a good enough reason to dress up our lil Ant! He looked so grown up in his big guy tie! Mom looked pretty darn good too.... !
May 2009
Recent economic conditions have forced to make our lil Ant earn his keep by painting the inside of the house! The money he saved us from paying actual painters allowed us to buy him a new pair of sneeks! Ok, I AM JUST KIDDING, he WANTED to paint!
April 2009
Jr Jedi Ant, defeating the evil Darth Maul in battle! Jedi training courtesy of the Jedi Training Academy, Disneyland CA.
UPDATE: Jr Jedi's are not, as a matter of fact called Jr. Jedi's! Apparently they are Padowan's!!! Sorry about the error!
Mar 2009
My Honey and our lil Ant made the annual trek up to the top of Blue Mountain, the views of the I.E. are spectacular. Mt. Fuji it isnt but the walk IS pretty tough none the less!
Dec 2008
The Colunga's get ready for Christmas! Cousin Katherine flew down and helped us get ready for the holidays, seemed like a Kodak moment! Jeannie, Katherine, Papa, Gerald, Steven, Mary Beth and of course our lil Ant. Me? Yeah, I was at work...
November 2008
While taking a brief break from her hectic volleyball schedule in Vegas to see a guy named jones and his brother, or maybe the jones family, or may be.... oh whatever! Bella took Margaret to the M&M store and found a new friend. They were unable to bring him home though...
Oct 2008
The war against the rebel armies yet raged but the young Jenga Fet was still able to take a moment and enjoy an evening of earthly Halloween fun at the park with his kitty kat mother and car salesman dad, yes dad DID dress up! Ant won 3rd place in the costume contest that night too!
Nov 2007
Heres Ant at our local Starbucks on Library Day, the library in town has an afternoon reading day and the kids get to color projects and hear a few stories, fun for all!
August 2007
Ant and cousin Steven at the carnival for Grand Terrace Days, turns out that Anthony is the better driver!!! After riding all the way thru town in the parade he still had energy to run thru the carnival for hours, where do they get that energy from!!!!
August 2007
Theres us in the Grand Terrace Days Parade again, Ant loves to ride thru town with everyone cheering for him! And yes, he is a Dio fan! Actually I have no idea where he learned to do that, I swear!
July 2008
Yup, Ant's 1st day at big kid Kindergarten! I'm pretty sure I missed him more than he missed me!
November 2007
Yes folks, yes that is him! The ever elusive and rarely photographed Dominic!! "Dominic Correra of Colton High School makes a pretrial argument while Carter High School's Matthew Delgado watches during a preliminary round match in the 26th annual County Mock Trial competition"... read the whole story over at the San Berdo County Schools page here.
September 2007
Theres our 'Cool Dude' soccer star, BEFORE the game! Believe me, he wasnt that clean for long! He has SO much fun, never did really care much about the goals, just loved to run back and forth!
May 2007
Ant and Margaret escaping the hot sun and chillin of the front porch in the shade!
Dec 2006
Snapped a quick pic while shopping at Victoria Gardens, Ants ready for Christmas! Yeah, used this one for Christmas cards that year!
August 2006
Theres my lil Superman in the Grand Terrace Days parade! He wanted to keep that costume on forever!
Sept 2005
Theres Margaret, ready to hit the pitch for her Futbol match! Ok, she dressed and ready for soccer...
May 2004
Each year we go back to Catalina for our anniversary, May 18th (thought I forgot huh?!), this is us across the bay of Avalon from the casino.
May 2004
Our annual anniversary trip back to Catalina, theres our lil beach baby! Yes George, thats you in the backround, great pic of Jordy eh? You just werent cute enough to be in the pic, sorry!
May 18, 2002 Catalina Island - Descanzo Beach Club
This truly was an amazing day! Married my MaryBeth on the beach with our friends in Avalon! Thank You MaryBeth for becoming my wife and blessing me with our lil Ant! My Friend, Lover and Companion.
By the end of 1997 I had gone and got myself elected President of the Colton Youth Soccer Organization, one of my duties was assisting with fundraising sooooo.... being the Finance Director at L.J. Snow Ford I had some pull with the owners and was able to talk them into the back cover of the leagues program. Provide of course my kids and I got to be in the pic! Theres Bella sitting on the rear deck holding a soccer ball and Dom up front! :)
Woo Hoo 1997 Colton Youth Soccer U-8 Champs! Theres Dom right in the middle, so cute!! Yup, I'm there too, I was the coach.. ahem! :)
Dom's 2nd year in soccer and Dad decided to try his hand at coaching... Dom is 3rd from the right! :)